Giabbanelli Research Group
Giabbanelli Research Group
Dr. Giabbanelli
Sample Projects
Lab Members
P.J. Giabbanelli
Fast Generation of Heterogeneous Mental Models from Longitudinal Data by Combining Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Software Technology to Develop Large-Scale Self-Adaptive Systems: Accelerating Agent-Based Models and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps via CUDA
Facilitating the interoperability and reuse of extensions of fuzzy cognitive maps
On the necessity of human decision-making errors to explain vaccination rates for Covid-19: An Agent-Based Modeling Study
Preserving simulation insight while removing data: verification of compressed simulation traces via machine learning
Identifying the building blocks of social simulation models: A qualitative analysis using open-source codes in NetLogo
A systems science approach to identifying data gaps in national data sources on adolescent suicidal ideation and suicide attempt in the United States
Transitioning from Individuals to Groups in Knowledge Map Construction
Enabling New Interactions with Library Digital Collections: Automatic Gender Recognition in Historical Postcards via Deep Learning
Special Issue on Data Science in Health Services
Automatic Generation of Individual Fuzzy Cognitive Maps from Longitudinal Data
Towards reusable building blocks to develop COVID-19 simulation models
A new application of machine learning: detecting errors in network simulations
Design and deployment of a simulation platform: case study of an agentbased model for youth suicide prevention
When Do We Need Massive Computations to Perform Detailed COVID-19 Simulations?
An Experimental Study on the Scalability of Recent Node Centrality Metrics in Sparse Complex Networks
(Re)shaping online narratives: when bots promote the message of President Trump during his first impeachment
Pathways to Suicide or Collections of Vicious Cycles? Understanding the Complexity of Suicide Through Causal Mapping
Automatically Generating Scenarios From a Text Corpus: A Case Study on Electric Vehicles
FCMpy: A python module for constructing and analyzing fuzzy cognitive maps
Hybrid Models That Combine Machine Learning and Simulations
Designing the Next Generation of Map Assessment Systems: Open Questions and Opportunities to Automatically Assess a Student’s Knowledge as a Map
Identifying Informative Features to Evaluate Student Knowledge as Causal Maps
Human factors in leveraging systems science to shape public policy for obesity
Special Issue on ACM SIGSIM PADS’20
Special Issue on Scalable Network Generation & Analysis
Comparing Implementations of Cellular Automata as Images: A Novel Approach to Verification by Combining Image Processing and Machine Learning
How Do Teams of Novice Modelers Choose An Approach? An Iterated, Repeated Experiment In A First-Year Modeling Course
Identifying Synergistic Interventions to Address COVID-19 Using a Large Scale Agent-Based Model
The Necessity and Difficulty of Navigating Uncertainty to Develop an Individual-Level Computational Model
How Modeling Methods for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Can Benefit From Psychology Research
Comparing the Effect of Code Optimizations on Simulation Runtime Across Synchronous Cellular Automata Models of HIV
Design and evaluation of update schemes to optimize asynchronous Cellular Automata with random or cyclic orders
Opportunities and challenges in developing COVID-19 simulation models: lessons from six funded projects
Why honor culture? Lessons learned from an Agent-Based simulation model
Scaling up the SNAP-ED toolkit intervention to improve fruit and vegetable consumption across counties in Georgia: an Agent Based Mode
Are we modeling the evidence or our own biases? A comparison of conceptual models created from reports
Automatically combining conceptual models using semantic and structural information
How many costly simulations do we need to create accurate metamodels? A case study on predicting HIV viral load in response to clinically relevant intervention scenarios
Mapping the Complexity of Suicide by Combining Participatory Modeling and Network Science
The application of modeling and simulation to public health: Assessing the quality of Agent-Based Models for obesity
How Perspectives of a System Change Based on Exposure to Positive or Negative Evidence
Returning to a Normal Life via COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States: A Large-scale Agent-Based Simulation Study
What’s left before participatory modeling can fully support real-world environmental planning processes: A case study review
Network analysis of intra- and inter-specific freshwater fish interactions using year-around tracking
Modelling and Simulation of Human-Environment Interactions
Optimizing discrete simulations of the spread of HIV-1 to handle billions of cells on a workstation
Creating perceptual uncertainty in Agent-Based Models with social interactions
Fuzzy cognitive maps in agent based models: a practicial implementation example
Predicting the resource needs and outcomes of computationally intensive biological simulations
How do modelers code artificial societies? Investigating practices and quality of NetLogo codes from large repositories
Reducing the Gap Between the Conceptual Models of Students and Experts Using Graph-Based Adaptive Instructional Systems
Performance and Soundness of Simulation: A Case Study Based on a Cellular Automaton for in-Body Spread of HIV
Comparing How Different Inquiry-based Approaches Impact Learning Outcomes
Dealing with complexity: how to use a hybrid approach to incorporate complexity in health behavior interventions
CoFluences: Simulating the Spread of Social Influences via a Hybrid Agent-Based/Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Architecture
Ideal, best, and emerging practices in creating artificial societies
Mechanisms for cell-to-cell and cell-free spread of HIV-1 in cellular automata models
From social media to expert reports: The impact of source selection on automatically validating complex conceptual models of obesity
The artificial facilitator: guiding participants in developing causal maps using voice-activated technologies
The intersection of agent based models and fuzzy cognitive maps: a review of an emerging hybrid modeling practice
Solving Challenges at the Interface of Simulation and Big Data Using Machine Learning
Iterative Generation of Insight from Text Collections Through Mutually Reinforcing Visualizations and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Visual Analytics to Identify Temporal Patterns and Variability in Simulations from Cellular Automata
Identifying the Components and Interrelationships of Smart Cities in Indonesia: Supporting Policymaking via Fuzzy Cognitive Systems
Evaluating the Impact of Improving Access on Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in a Rural Community in Texas: A Modeling Study
(Social-Ecological) Systems Thinking by Evaluating Cognitive Maps
From Associations to Sarcasm: Mining the Shift of Opinions Regarding the Supreme Court on Twitter
Should we simulate mental models to assess whether they agree?
An online environment to compare students’ and expert solutions to ill-structured problems
Accurately inferring compliance to five major food guidelines through simplified surveys: applying data mining to the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey
Twelve questions for the participatory modeling community
Capturing the fast-food landscape in England using large-scale network analysis
Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job
Advanced Data Analytics in Health
Modeling information spread in polarized communities: transitioning from legacy media to a Facebook world
Analyzing and simplifying model uncertainty in fuzzy cognitive maps
The nature and level of learner–learner interaction in a chemistry massive open online course (MOOC)
Using agent-based models to develop public policy about food behaviours: future directions and recommendations
Combining fuzzy cognitive maps with agent-based modeling: Frameworks and pitfalls of a powerful hybrid modeling approach to understand human-environment interactions
Overcoming the PBL Assessment Challenge: Design and Development of the Incremental Thesaurus for Assessing Causal Maps (ITACM)
Effects of success v failure cases on learner-learner interaction
Feasibility and framing of interventions based on public support: leveraging text analytics for policymakers
A novel visualization environment to support modelers in analyzing data generated by cellular automata
Supporting a systems approach to healthy weight interventions in British Columbia by modeling weight and well-being
Teaching Computational Modeling in the Data Science Era
Identifying small groups of foods that can predict achievement of key dietary recommendations: data mining of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, 2008-2012
An Experimental Approach of Mining Pharmaceutical Data
A Systematic Review of Biomarkers and Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes: An Overview of Epidemiological, Prediction and Aetiological Research Literature
Special Issue on Intelligent Healthcare Systems
An algebraic approach to combining classifiers
Exploring the relationship between adherence to treatment and viral load through a new discrete simulation model of HIV infectivity
Using visual analytics to support the integration of expert knowledge in the design of medical models and simulations
Identifying binge drinkers based on parenting dimensions and alcohol-specific parenting practices: building classifiers on adolescent-parent paired data
Using classifiers to identify binge drinkers based on drinking motives
Modelling the spatial and social dynamics of insurgency
Impact of different policies on unhealthy dietary behaviors in an urban adult population: an agent-based simulation model
Creating groups with similar expected behavioural response in randomized controlled trials: a fuzzy cognitive map approach
Supporting self-management in obesity using a novel game architecture
A novel framework for complex networks and chronic diseases
Supporting a participant-centric management of obesity via a self-improving health game
Detecting unfolding crises with visual analytics and conceptual maps: emerging phenomena and big data
An agent-based social network model of binge drinking among Dutch adults
Ingredients for student-centered learning in undergraduate computing science courses
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in computing science: three years of experience in the MoCSSy program
Rebel with many causes: a computational model of insurgency
Modeling the influence of social networks and environment on energy balance and obesity
A fuzzy cognitive map of the psychosocial determinants of obesity
The small-world property in networks growing by active edges
Complex networks and epidemics
Impact of complex network properties on routing in backbone networks
Computing the average path length and a label-based routing in a small-world graph
Average path length of deterministic and stochastic recursive networks
A probabilistic model for the spread of HIV infection among injection drug users
Why having in-person lectures when e-learning and podcasts are available?