Giabbanelli Research Group
Giabbanelli Research Group
Dr. Giabbanelli
Sample Projects
Lab Members
Dealing with complexity: how to use a hybrid approach to incorporate complexity in health behavior interventions
S. Mkhitaryan
P.J. Giabbanelli
N.K. de Vries
R. Crutzen
Iterative Generation of Insight from Text Collections Through Mutually Reinforcing Visualizations and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
V.S. Pillutla
P.J. Giabbanelli
Visual Analytics to Identify Temporal Patterns and Variability in Simulations from Cellular Automata
P.J. Giabbanelli
Identifying the Components and Interrelationships of Smart Cities in Indonesia: Supporting Policymaking via Fuzzy Cognitive Systems
H.S. Firmansyah
S.H. Supangkat
A.A. Arman
P.J. Giabbanelli
Evaluating the Impact of Improving Access on Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in a Rural Community in Texas: A Modeling Study
N.D. Katapodis
D. Zhang
P.J. Giabbanelli
Y. Li
C.P. Lyford
J. Rajbhandari-Thapa
(Social-Ecological) Systems Thinking by Evaluating Cognitive Maps
S. Gray
E.J. Sterlin
P. Aminpour
L. Goralnik
A. Singer
C. Wei
S. Akabas
R.C. Jordan
P.J. Giabbanelli
J. Hodbod
E. Betley
P. Norris
From Associations to Sarcasm: Mining the Shift of Opinions Regarding the Supreme Court on Twitter
M. Sandhu
C.D. Vinson
V.K. Mago
P.J. Giabbanelli
Accurately inferring compliance to five major food guidelines through simplified surveys: applying data mining to the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey
N. Rosso
P.J. Giabbanelli
Twelve questions for the participatory modeling community
R. Jordan
S. Gray
M. Zellner
P.D. Glynn
A. Voinov
B. Hedelin
E.J. Sterling
K. Leong
L. Schmitt Olabisi
K. Hubacek
P. Bommel
T.K. BenDor
A.J. Jetter.
B. Laursen
A. Singer
P.J. Giabbanelli
N. Kolagani
L. Basco-Carrera
K. Jenni
C. Prell
Capturing the fast-food landscape in England using large-scale network analysis
M. Baniukiewicz.
Z.L. Dick
P.J. Giabbanelli