Giabbanelli Research Group
Giabbanelli Research Group
Dr. Giabbanelli
Sample Projects
Lab Members
Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job
A. Voinov
K. Jenni
S. Gray
N. Kolagani
P.D. Glynn
P. Bommel
C. Prell
M. Zellner
M. Paolisso
R. Jordan
E. Sterling
L. Schmitt Olabisi
P.J. Giabbanelli
Z. Sun
C. Le Page
S. Elsawah
T.K. BenDor
K. Hubacek
B.K. Laursen
A. Jetter
L. Basco-Carrera
A. Singer
L. Young
The nature and level of learner–learner interaction in a chemistry massive open online course (MOOC)
A.A. Tawfik
T.D. Reeves
A.E. Stich
A. Gill
C. Hong
J. McDade
V.S. Pillutla
X. Zhou
P.J. Giabbanelli
Using agent-based models to develop public policy about food behaviours: future directions and recommendations
P.J. Giabbanelli
R. Crutzen
Combining fuzzy cognitive maps with agent-based modeling: Frameworks and pitfalls of a powerful hybrid modeling approach to understand human-environment interactions
P.J. Giabbanelli
S.A. Gray
P. Aminpour
Overcoming the PBL Assessment Challenge: Design and Development of the Incremental Thesaurus for Assessing Causal Maps (ITACM)
P.J. Giabbanelli
A.A. Tawfik
Effects of success v failure cases on learner-learner interaction
A.A. Tawfik
P.J. Giabbanelli
M. Hogan
F. Msilu
A. Gill
C.S. York
Identifying small groups of foods that can predict achievement of key dietary recommendations: data mining of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, 2008-2012
P.J. Giabbanelli
J. Adams
An Experimental Approach of Mining Pharmaceutical Data
E. Belyi
P.J. Giabbanelli
I. Patel
N.H. Balabhadrapathruni
A. Ben Abdallah
W. Hameed
V.K. Mago
A Systematic Review of Biomarkers and Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes: An Overview of Epidemiological, Prediction and Aetiological Research Literature
A. Abbasi
A.-S. Sahlqvist
L. Lotta
J.M. Brosnan
P. Vollenweider
P.J. Giabbanelli
D.J. Nunez
D. Waterworth
R.A. Scott
C. Langenberg
N.J. Wareham
Identifying binge drinkers based on parenting dimensions and alcohol-specific parenting practices: building classifiers on adolescent-parent paired data
R. Crutzen
P.J. Giabbanelli
A. Jander
L. Mercken
H. de Vries